

Jenny grew up in Central Pennsylvania where she did a lot of canoeing, camping, hiking, and biking excursions. Family vacations included camping at Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon, where she and her family would bike the old rails-to-trails path down to a hiking trail called Turkey Path that runs for about a mile up waterfalls to the canyon rim. (Of course sometimes they would also canoe the stream at the bottom when the water level was high enough.) Eventually her family vacations became yearly excursions to the Outer Banks, N.C. and Jenny enjoyed the restoration that comes from a beach vacation… although she also had to try out a high ropes tower there too! Some of the first trips that Jenny led took high school students kayaking for a week in the Ozarks and in Northeast Iowa. She became more adventurous and ultimately took students on a month-long trip to Bolivia. From La Paz to Sun Island to the salt flats to the jungle– the group saw so much and made incredible memories! Jenny has guided in Bryce Canyon, Zion, the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, Sedona, and to the San Juan Islands. Her favorite places involve epic mountains, wildflowers, and trees.


Jenny's favorite travel destination?

Waterton Lakes and Squamish. I have had some of the most epic solo adventures in these places! The kind where there is a boat ride to the trail head (which if you miss on the way back you are out of luck and stuck). The kind where the trail has incredible views of multiple waterfalls and/or alpine lakes. The kind where there is a ladder on a rock face or a chain or a rope (or about 5) along the way. The kind where there may be ice on the lake in the middle of the summer and there could be a bear or two that you encounter on the way. The kind where when you make it up the mountain, you feel like you are on top of the world.

Jenny's favorite adventure activity?

Hiking and biking are my bread and butter but I love trying everything. I especially love a good zipline.

Jenny's most inspiring adventure experience?

When I was in college I had a friend who moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I had about as much in my bank account as the cost of the flight there and I knew nothing about Malaysia but still I went. There were many unexpected surprises for me there (4 story malls, intense jet lag from being exactly on the other side of the globe, and food I dreamt about for weeks afterwards). Through the dream-like jet lag haze I remember one moment most vividly–I was at a water park standing on a plank on a long suspension bridge with my legs tied together looking at a huge hotel. I was trying to calm the panic making my body weak that wasn’t there earlier when I decided trying bungee jumping for the first time with my friend in another country would be a good idea. The guides told me to count to 3 and go and I probably had gotten to 3 about 4 times and was stuck unable to will my body to override the crippling fear. As my thoughts raced and my life flashed before my eyes, the guide whispered to me, “Just lean forward.” I closed my eyes and reached my arms out like I was flying. “Just lean forward,” I told myself as I breathed in banishing all thoughts, and on the exhale, I let it all go and went. As my hands grazed the water below, the delight shocked my previously panic-ridden body. Later, I realized that like at many amusement parks, someone at the park took a picture of me jumping and had it displayed for me to buy. When I saw it, there wasn't a question of whether I would buy it even though it was stupidly overpriced. The picture perfectly captured the exact moment I had let it all go. My eyes were closed and my face was serene. My arms were outstretched and I was diving into the unknown. Even though I haven’t felt an urge to bungee jump again (and it was over ten years ago), that picture is still framed in my bedroom, and looking at it gives me courage when I need it.

Jenny's favorite Active or Austin Adventures trip?

Honestly, you can’t choose a bad trip at Austin/Active.

When did Jenny get the travel bug?

When I was 13 my family went on a road trip to as many different National Parks as we could drive to in 4 weeks. We went to the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Arches, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons, Devils Tower, and the Badlands… and since then we have gone on two other similar trips including parks like Rocky Mountain National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Glacier, Capitol Reef, Great Basin, Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite.

What Destinations are on Jenny's Bucket List?

New Zealand, Patagonia, Costa Rica, Dolomites, Iceland, Norway… the list is about a mile long and always growing.

What are Jenny's Hobbies and Special Talents?

Yoga, Hiking, Biking, Climbing, Cooking, Reading.